You can no longer share Audible audio clips
·The share option has disappeared from Audible audio clips.
Audible has an option that allows listeners to select and save a 30 second clip like a bookmark. Back in March 2016 there were a number of stories online touting the ability to share those clips on social media. It’s a nice little feature and I would think a good way to help market audiobooks. There is even an Audible video showing how to do it.
But while trying to share an audio clip today I went around in circles looking for the share option. Searching online and Audible’s help files turned up nothing but mentions of the mysterious ability to share. As it turns out, sometime between March 2016 and now that ability quietly slipped away and is no longer available in the app.
I confirmed with an Audible support representative that audio clips are no longer shareable: “I am sorry, currently this feature is not available. You can only save them but cannot share them.” Too bad.